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Pure Female Shiba Inu

更新时间 2024-09-16 浏览量 21次 举报此信息 我要顶帖
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*应维州政府要求2019年7月1日起,宠物猫狗买卖必须提供source number,具体请参照https://per.animalwelfare.vic.gov.au

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Looking for a New Home: Adorable Female Shiba Inu Puppy

Are you searching for a furry companion to add joy and love to your life? Look no further! We have an irresistible female Shiba Inu puppy who is eagerly seeking her forever family.

With her purebred lineage and undeniable charm, this little pup is sure to capture your heart. She possesses all the qualities that make Shiba Inus one of the most cherished breeds: loyalty, intelligence, and a spirited personality. Whether you're a seasoned dog owner or a first-time pet parent, this delightful Shiba Inu will fit right into your home and become a beloved member of your family.

In addition to her undeniable cuteness, this little girl has been well-socialized and is accustomed to being around people of all ages. This means she will effortlessly adapt to her new environment and shower you with affection from the moment you bring her home. Plus, she comes from a loving home where she has received proper care and attention, ensuring that she is healthy and ready to embark on new adventures with her forever family.

Shiba Inus are known for their beautiful, fox-like appearance, and our little lady is no exception. Her luscious coat is a captivating mixture of vibrant colors, making her a true head-turner wherever she goes. Whether you're taking a stroll in the park or introducing her to your friends, this charming Shiba Inu will undoubtedly attract attention and become the talk of the town.

If you're ready to welcome a bundle of joy into your home, don't miss out on this incredible opportunity to add a Shiba Inu puppy to your family. Whether it's her playful antics or her unwavering loyalty, this little girl is guaranteed to bring immeasurable happiness to your life.

Don't wait! Contact us today to arrange a visit and meet this adorable female Shiba Inu puppy. You won't be able to resist her irresistible charm and lovable personality. Get ready to embark on a lifetime of unforgettable memories with your new furry friend.
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