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Eastwood 区招聘 Gaming Attendant

更新时间 2024-10-24 浏览量 38次 举报此信息 我要顶帖
公司名称 Landmark Hotel
工作性质 Casual
经验要求 需要
学历要求 不限
签证要求 不限
工资水平 $32 / 时薪
工作亮点 团队友善,成长空间,老板人好
公司地址 Redcape Hotel Group
联系人 qjjk999
联系我时请说明是在 今日墨尔本看到的,谢谢!


A leading hospitality group of 900+ dedicated people, who passionately serve 31 different communities across Australia’s east coast. Managed by MA Hotel Management, Redcape Hotel Group own and operate 36 community-focused venues, as well as 26 bottle shops, 3 accommodation venues, and The Australian Brewery. We make it our mission to provide sociable, fun, friendly, and safe pubs and hospitality offerings within the communities we operate. Our commitment is to the betterment of people, be it supporting our staff to thrive and develop in their careers, ensuring strong returns for our shareholders, and enriching the communities we operate in and customers we serve.


我们需要招聘富有热情和积极的从事Gaming VIP Lounge工作的员工加入到我们的友善和专业的团队,工作地址位于Eastwood 火车站旁。现需招聘一名Casual staff。$32 Week day & Weekend时薪$38-45。
作为Gaming Lounge 员工,你需要负责提供友好的和专业的客户服务。一个合格,成功的应聘人员需具备积极,热情的意愿来展示你的能力:
1. 您的日常工作涉及到吧台, 现金等相关工作。
2. 您需具备良好的顾客服务技能,成功的团队合作精神以及灵活地处理与顾客间的关系。
3. 需要能上晚班。
4. RAS & RCG (酒牌+赌牌)必备。
今日评论 网友评论仅供其表达个人看法,并不表明网站立场。

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