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雅思口语考试话题练习之 “Hometown” (下)

2021-12-20 来源: 搜狐时尚 原文链接 评论0条


Part 1

1.Describe your hometown.

-My hometown is a small city. It is bothtraditionalandmodernbecause of having several festivals celebrated by the locals, and at the same time it is starting to be developed with increasing number ofinfrastructuresandestablishments.

2.Where is your hometown located?

-My hometown, Sorsogon Cityis locatedin the southernmost tip of the Bicol Peninsula and the Luzon Island. Bicol isone of the regions in thePhilippines and Luzonis the biggest island in the country.

3.Is it easy to travel around your hometown?

– Yes, it is. It is a small city but there are different kinds oftransportationavailable.

4.What is it known for?

-It is known for “Pili nuts”. They are said to grow in volcanic soil.

5. What do people in your town do?

–Agricultureandfishingare common in my hometown. Also, with the latest modernization, numerousoffice jobshave appeared in my town.

Part 2

Describe your home town. You should say:

Describe the placeWhat is special about it?Compare it to other cities in the world?

My hometown is called Sorsogon. I was born and raised there and I can say it is definitely myfavorite place. It is located in the southernmost tip of the largest island in my country. I cannot tell that it is a very bigprovince. The town is both traditional and modern. I call it traditional because there still are many festivals celebrated by the locals, yet modern, as it is starting to bedevelopedjust like other province having much more sophisticated infrastructure.

Sorsogon is a province that isabout 12-hour bus ride fromthe capital city of the Philippines. Main roads are part of the national highway, so they are wide and huge. The highway happens to be an important place, because it is a key passage for buses and cars that cross it on their way from the North to the South.

Sorsogonis also special asit offers manytourist attractions. For example, in a close vicinity, there are an active volcano and a lake with verybeautiful scenery.

Among all the places I have been to, I think Sorsogon is one of the best. There are wonderful places to visit – notcrowdedand notpolluted. I frequently go to beautiful and cleanbeaches.Sogroson is located on many islands that are not yetdevelopedand are verypeacefuland relaxing to stay in. On top of that, natural cold and hot springs are popular here as well. Many peoplevisit this place toexperiencethem.

Part 3

1.In what ways can you improve your hometown?

One problem in my hometown is a lowaccessibility of some placesdue to problems ofpublic transportation systems. Although there are different means of transportation, it can still take you hours to get to certain venues. For example, the earliest bus leaves at 5:00 am and the latest – around 5:30 pm. Therefore, for those who go back from work after 5:30 pm, itgets increasingly difficultto commute.

2.What is the main reason for liking a hometown other than the fact you were born there?

I reckon, we all love our hometowns, because we were raised there. I am personallyused to this placeand I have become very comfortable with it. I have created some very pleasant memories here – met friends, family, my first love, first academic achievements. In my hometown I was formed physiologically as an individual.

3.Most people in this world do not live in their hometowns. Why?

Well, I guessthe majority of people feelthat there could be more opportunities outside of their hometowns and consequently – comfort zones. Therefore, many believe thatliving in such acomfortable place, with relatives and friends can be distracting and too relaxing on the way of pursuing goals. Also, people (not only youth) strive to explore other places and experience different cultures across the globe.

雅思口语考试话题练习之 “Hometown” (下) - 1

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