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2012年7月至2013年6月 雅思考试回忆

2013-06-18 来源: 今日悉尼 评论0条

Where smart students go

2012 7 月至 2013 6


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 2012 7 7 日雅思考试回忆


S1: 租房, southeast,washing machine,15 may, translator, employer,bank statement, 675, telephone, bus stop.
S2健身房搞宣传 V110430S2

S3: 学生与 tutor 讨论一个 oral history 其中涉及 internet 的对于数据收集的好处,学生对一个足球队 manager 的咨询和十个队员的 telephone interview 然后总结出手机过程中一些问题(选项有 vague,factual,unreliable,noisy,too long,too short 之类的)

S4动物睡眠和人类睡眠 V100710S4

阅读 A

P1 孩子与信息科技 (T/F/NG; Summary)

P2 日本工艺品发展史 (heading)

P3 电动车市场营销 (summary; Y/N/NG)

写作 A

Task1 1表格题 The proportion of film tickets in UK (drama, comedy, fantasy, romance) 2000-2010.
5 d# E; M1 d! J+ c* l* a9 G6 mTask 2: Advertising encourages people to buy in quantity rather than promoting its quality. To what extent do you agree or disagree?


close to wild animal; plan of a free day; a gift to others; a time you receive help or surpport from others; a trip in your childhood;activity of group people enjoyable; something that make you laugh; a happy event with your family in your childhood; a situation that you must be polite; wildlife; science lesson studied in middle school; wedding;advertisement; an important city; an exciting experience; a free day; communication; a famous person; a natural beauty; a singer; lakes sea or river you enjoy visiting; lakes sea or river you enjoy visiting; a street you like; a family news made you happy; a child; a childhood tool; your favourite weather; a clothing you wear in special condition; sport; happy thing; a character from TV programme or film

 2012 7 12 日雅思考试回忆

听力 Section 1 一个女的咨询旅游信息,其中有一个景点叫 Mcgray Hill

Section 2 一个男大学生专业 Global Communication,要换课程

Section 3=V101023S3

Section 4=V100617S4


P1 telegraph P2 gesture P3 动物能预测地震

写作 A 类

小作文 柱图 the number of hours per week by men and women in Australia in 2007 纵轴百分比 横轴时间 最大值是 over60;

大作文 It's better for students to live away from home when they at university than to live with parents,agree or disagree ?


回忆 1:问问题超快,不给时间发挥,各种缜密逻辑学术词汇不给机会发挥。 part1, 午餐晚餐哪个对你更重要,早餐对你的重要性,exercise, 你喜欢做什么运动,运动对你有帮助吗,为什么放松对你重要。Part2 各种 water。describe a lake, or a river, or a sea which u've visited Where is it, why u go there, when did u visit? Why u like it P3: water 对你的城市重要不? 你城市有没有水资源短缺问题,为什么水重要,举出几个水上运动。我就说了几个名字他就让过了。高科技对水资源的影响。为什么你喜欢在水里运动。为什么有人喜欢水上运动。简直是连串问问题。

回忆 2:part 2:first day of uni or work,part 3 的问题是你国家的学生怎么找工作学校应该设立什么机构可以帮助找工作么父母怎么支持孩子政府有什么政策帮助人就业吗?

回忆 3Part1 Evening What do you usually do in the evening? How often do you go out in the evening? 晚上除了你的家人,你还会和谁一起度过? part2 考的是 a work of art 学校以后会不会增开艺术课,为什么? 有没有必要学习其他国家的文化,为什么? 外国学生可以从中国学习到什么? 我大概就补充这些,貌似这些题库里面没有。

2012 7 21 日雅思考试回忆


S1: 男士为姐姐的两个小孩买礼物, 进行咨询。先是男孩,打算买一个 wooden truck。东西可以提高小孩的 technology,然后是个价格,记忆中是 8.99. 然后给女孩买,买一个巧克力啥米啥米的,会有一些 small boxes,然后要注意 temperature. 然后,写一个网址 a web link(rimona)。接着说在周五之前订好会有一个优惠 free postage,接着是需要按一个键有 gift 的按钮,最后是 with a message 送的


S3: 30032S3


阅读 A

P1 某人的一生 (T/F/NG; Short answers)

P2 如何改正孩子的不良习惯 (headings; choices)

P3 某个国家人们工作时间的改变 (Choices; short answers)

写作 A

Task1 1两个 line chart,关于 urban 和 rural population 的 age。

5 d# E; M1 d! J+ c* l* a9 G6 mTask 2: In most cities and towns, the high volumes of road traffic become a problem. What is the causes of that and what actions could be taken to solve the problem

写作 G

Task1: You have written an article to a magazine about your job, and ask your manager to make some comments on it. 1.explain why you wrote the article 2. What have you written

Task2: Young single people no longer stay with their parents until they marry, but leave home to study or work elsewhere . Do you think more advantages or more disadvantages on this trend?


An important city in your country; a wildlife; Chinese celebrity; a person helped you; a family news makes you happy; favourite way in communication; a famous person; nature of beauty; a childhood toy; a happy person; a historic event; a book; what will you do if you have one day free; national beauty; an exercise; an interesting old person; advertising; a sport event you have watched

2012 7 28 日雅思考试回忆


S1. 电话询问附近 library 信息
; L; P! \( p# y2 `* G 参考答案:1.library 2.next to a park 3.open at 4.30pm 4.drawing 5.signing 6.film 7.card number 8.maps 4 m5 ]" p* p; [' T, a V$ O/ U7 z
S2. 夜校课程信息
5 Z2 i+ \! L( j( QS3 30085S3) }( c+ @: S4 z. ~
S4 30036S4

阅读 A

P1 新西兰渔业涉及品种 (T/F/NG; Summary )

P2 Trade 是人类本性 (Choice; List of headings)

P3 Why we are happy (Summary)

写作 A

Task1: 3 个饼图,emloyees 和 owners/managers 每周工作时间:part-time, full-time, longer hours workers.)

Task2: Some people believe that arts,such as painting and singing,do not directly improve the quality of peopel's lives that therefore government's money should be spent on other things. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

写作 G

Task 1: You v borrowed something from your friend for a party, unfortunately, it is damaged. Write a letter to apologise to your friend, explain what was going on, and give a suggestion for resolving the problem

Task 2: Many people spend a long periods time working or living far away from home, discuss advantages and disadvantages


A street in a village; something you want to buy; advertisement; a club you joined in; neighbour; a memorable birthday; a happy childhood event; an interesting old person; science lessons in you high or secondary school; wild animal; something you want to buy if you were rich; a river/ lake/ sea; a job you want to do in future; an electronic equipment; a hobby which is different from others; your favourite sport; a historic event; your favourite celebrity; a helped you received from others; a communication way you like; a favourite film character; a recent family event; a friend

2012 8 4 日雅思考试回忆


S1.30083S1 m

1. queen 2. double 3. mirror 4. 1.8 meters 5. fridge 6. River view 7. West Avenue 8. main road 9. bus stop 10.(next)Tuesday25 ]" p* p; [' T, a V$ O/ U7 z
S2.Welcome to Toronto -workshop
5 Z2 i+ \! L( j( QS3 09011S3)

1.medical centre 2. student union 3. clubs 4. self-learning lab 5. codes 6.electronic directory 7. text structure 8. references 9. feedback 10. power point1 M'}( c+ @: S4 z. ~
S4 09101S4

1.museum 2. map 3. protection 4. fertilize 5.birds 6. shops 选择:7.change 什么 land 8. face wind 9. labour

阅读 A

P1 Alfred Nobel 的一生 P2 始前动物研究 P3 Employee motivation

阅读参考文章:Alfred Nobel

( l$ F) ] w! K& \* E% C' |/ L( Z0 g+ J* iAlfred Nobel,the Swedish inventor and industrialist,was a man of many contrasts.He was the son of abankrupt,but became a millionaire;a scientist with alove ofliterature,an industrialist who managed to remain an idealist.He made a fortune but lived a very simple life,and although cheerful in company he was often sad in private.A lover of mankind, he never had a wife or family to love him;a patriotic①son of his native land,he died alone on foreign soil.He invented a new explosive,dynamite②,to improve the peacetime industries of mining and road building,but saw it was used as a weapon of war to kill and injure his fellow men.During his useful life he often felt he was useless:“Alfred Nobel,”he once wrote of himself,“ought to have been put to death by a kind doctor as soon as,with a cry,he entered life.”World-famous for his works he was never personally well known,for throughout his life he avoided publicity.“I do not see,” he once said,“that I have deserved any fame and I have no taste for it,”but since his death his name has brought fame and glory to others. 2 S! D2 m* H m' g
& l. F c5 h# y% _
He was born in Stockholm on October 21,1833but moved to Russia with his parents in 1842,where his father,Immanuel,made a strong position for himself in the engineering industry.Immanuel Nobel invented the landmine and made a lot of money from government orders for it during the Crimean War,but went bankrupt soon after.Most of the family returned to Sweden in 1859,where Alfred rejoined them in 1863,beginning his own study of explosives in his father's laboratory.He had never been to school or university but had studied privately.And by the time he was twenty,he was a skillful chemist and excellent linguist, speaking Swedish,Russian,German, French and English.Like his father,Alfred Nobelwas imaginative and inventive,but he had better luck in business and showed more financialsense.He was quick to see industrial openings for his scientificinventions and built up over 80companies in 20different coun- tries.Indeed his greatness lay in his outstanding ability to combine the qualities ofan original scientist with those of a forward-looking industrialist." R' D4 q7 D/ t3 }
" R! \0 j8 t5 U5 g1 U) y
But Nobel's main concern was never with making money or even with making scientific discoveries.Seldom happy,he was always searching for a meaning to life,and from his youth had taken aserious interest in literature and philosophy.Perhaps he could not find ordinary human love—he never married—he came to care deeply about the whole of mankind.He was always generous to the poor:“I'd rather take care of the stomachs of the living than the glory of the dead in the form ofstone materials,”he once said.His greatest wish,however,was to see an end to wars,and thus peace betweennations,and he spent much time and money working for this cause untilhis death in Italy in 1896.His famous will,in which he left money to provide prizesfor outstanding work in Physics,Chemistry,Physiology,Medicine, Literature and Peace,is a memorial to his interests and ideals.And so,the man who felt he should have died at birth is remembered and respected long after his death.

写作 A

Task1: The bar chart shows what the UK graduates and postgraduates do (apart from those who find full-time employment) when they graduate in 2008.&

Task2: In some countries,TV programmes are transmitted throughout the day and night. Some people think that 24-hour TV transmission is a positive development, while others it is negative.* Y 写作 G

Task 1: 写一封道歉信给你朋友解释你为什么很长时间没联系她,并且询问她新找到的工作怎么样啊,最后建议什么时候在哪见面.

Task 2: Modern shopping centre vs small local markets. Which one has more advantages.


A present you gave to others; an electronic equipment; a place with natural beauty; a sport event you enjoyed to watch; how you are going to use your free day; an organization; a wildlife you like; your favourite weather; a child; a situation you must be poielt; a toy; what will you buy if you have enough money

2012 8 11 日雅思考试回忆


S1. 关于旅行路线的咨询 m

type : Adventure tour
最大期限(Max):13 天 (11 天工作,然后有 13 天的假期)4 _4 ~8 W, w' C
可以的月份 Month: November  (不确定,也说了 November,然后没听清,说'在。。。之前有个 business meeting, 我就猜了 12 月)
旅行社可以去 airport 接他
不需要什么: NO passport required
旅游活动:可以看到 dolphin  和  whales; get a __of mountains & lakes  (不确定,填的 view)T, a V$ O/ U7 z

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